Sachin Ghare's Blog

IdleX.js Ver 1.0| Timeout Text Presntation OR Gallery

Stay idle for 15 Seconds and experience the awesome


This plugin allows you to create a Idle timeout screen with Image & Text Slidshows. You can use it as personal OR professional use and modify settings available in idlex.js for animation effects.

Release of IdleX.js Version 1.5 - Jan 2014

Feel free to fork the project on github or ping me on [twitter]( for any comments.


Licence MIT


Usage is very simple, include curtain.js file in the page between <head></head>, along with jQuery library.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/IdleX.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/slideshow.css" >

Between <body> Setup

<div id="slideshow" style="display:none;">
       <-- Call your images OR text in each div -->

Launch the Plugin

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


  • delay - (default is 7000) Adjust the delay speed between slides
  • fadeIn - (default is 2500) Adjust the Fade In Animation Speed
  • fadeOut - (default is 2500) Adjust the Fade Out Animation Speed
  • idleWait - (default is 15000) Adjust Idle Time-out