Multi Step Registration Form PHP/Mysql and Jquery – Contact OR Signup


Multi Step Registration Form PHP/Mysql and Jquery – Contact OR Signup

Multi Step Registration Form PHP/Mysql and Jquery

Got long forms on your website ? Break them up into smaller logical sections and convert it into a multi step registration form php with a cool progress bar. So the form is broken into small sections and the user only sees one section at a time. Also, multi-step forms reduces the space you need on the page.

If you are using normal Sign Up forms and still require a lot of data from your users, a multi-step form is the best solution. Could work for lengthy processes like registration, checkout, profile fillups, 2-factor authentication logins, contact form, etc…

The form has few jquery files, single css file &  php file to submit data with integrated mail function also  inbuilt a small code which can store data into mysql database. So the form has following functionality

1. It has multi steps, on each step it will validates the field values

2. Form submission Progress bar with percentage

3. Summary page will show inserted form values

4. PHP form with mail function

So overall the downloaded code will have everything, just few min changes as per your requirement and its ready to use.

The Code is too large to explain in breakups so directly check out demo & hit download to check source code.

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sachinghare administrator

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