idle timeout jquery plugin! IdleX.js


idle timeout jquery plugin! IdleX.js

Idle timeout jquery plugin

The idea about idleX.js came up while checking the jquery events, i saw fire event (idle timeout) which helps to show time-out message with  alerts or with modal window. What if the idle thing comes with more approachable and can be use with most of the sites  which has nothing to do with database, i mean with static websites.

So i understand what exactly it can do and how far it can go away. It seen that among us most of the time we open a website and we do other stuff, I mean we become idle for that particular website.

So the basic idea was showing freelancer portfolio, company presentation, gallery something like that with the fire event. The output came out quickly and it’s just awesome. I tried showing Text Animation & Image Slideshow with jquery with the current version. So enjoy the Idle timeout jquery plugin

Currently working on next version with flash content and some cool jquery effects with detailed functionality. It will out soon by that time you can enjoy the current version and experience the beauty.

The documentation and usage information is mentioned in demo.

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