While working as freelancer i have received many request and questions about How to reset admin password in Magento? The process to reset password is very simple, login to phpmyadmin and run the following query to reset magento admin password
UPDATE mag_admin_user SET password = CONCAT(MD5(‘nPpassword’), ‘:nP’)
WHERE username=’admin’;
mag_admin_user = Replace with your magento admin_user table name
nPpassword = Replace new password with just password (do not delete nP)
admin = Replace it with your magento username
Sometimes captcha fails to load on admin screen or if you want to disable it manually then try following steps to do so. Magento Disable Captcha Admin Login
Step 1: Login to your hosting control panel and go to following path app/etc/modules/ open & edit Mage_Captcha.xml
Step 2: Should have true value within <active> tag, just replace it with false as shown. Change the value from true to false and save file.
Result: Captcha on Magento Admin Screen is disabled now.
Please Note: If you still have captcha on admin login after completing these steps … Read More
Yandex is world’s 4th biggest search engine & Russia’s No.1 site. Yandex! is yet another free business email service provider, can consider as Free google apps alternative. At this moment there is no limit for adding domains to each account, you can add upto 1000 mailboxes per account.
It comes with 10GB email storage, additional disk storage of 10GB per user, contacts, Maps, Video, search, translate & many more… The user interface is not so good but it is ok if you switch to mobile apps they are just great. You never know the future … Read More
Got long forms on your website ? Break them up into smaller logical sections and convert it into a multi step registration form php with a cool progress bar. So the form is broken into small sections and the user only sees one section at a time. Also, multi-step forms reduces the space you need on the page.
If you are using normal Sign Up forms and still require a lot of data from your users, a multi-step form is the best solution. Could work for lengthy processes like registration, checkout, profile fillups, … Read More
6th December 2012 was the day when google apps officially closed its Legacy/Grandfathered/Free/Standard account. There were some workaround available till 8th April 2016 to add secondary domain to Google Apps Legacy/Grandfathered/Free/Standard account but After April 2016 all workaround are officially blocked. There were some workaround available to add secondary domain or changing the primary domain using admin api but that has changed and not possible at the moment.
We all know that there is still chance and workround to add secondary domain or change primary domain, some … Read More